1730. |
Passed 16th
June 1730. |
An act to enroll and record an Indenture, between Matthias Vanbebber
of the
one Part, and Thomas Bordley, Esq; of the other
Part. Lib. L. Nº 5.
fol. 351. PR.
Ditto. |
An Act for the Building a Church in Baltimore County, and
in a Town called
Baltimore-Town, in St. Paul's Parish.
Lib. L. Nº 5. fol. 353.
N.B. The Act of 1727, ch.
10, having impowered the Vestry-men and Church-wardens to
purchase one or more Acres of Land, and thereon to build a Parish Church;
in Pursuance
whereof. Land was purchased but not built on; and the same being very inconvenient,
the present
Act impowers the Vestry-men and Church-wardens to purchase a Lot in Baltimore-Town,
and to cause a Church to be built thereon; which shall be the Parish Church
of the said Parish,
and be called St. Paul's Church. And directs, that the Tobacco
to be raised by the aforerecited
Act, be applied to the Building a Church in the Town as aforesaid.
Ditto. |
A Supplementary Act to the Act, entitled, An Act for the Advancement
of Justice.
Lib. L. Nº 5. fol. 355. EXP.
To continue in
Force as long as the Original Act of 1723, ch. 12; which expired
in 1740.
Ditto. |
An Act for the Naturalization of John Hendrickson, a Native
of Rotterdam
in Holland, now an Inhabitant of Kent
County, in Maryland; and John,
Samuel, Rachel, Mary, Mildred, Margaret, Martha, Rebeckah,
and Ruth, Children of the aforesaid John
Hendrickson. Lib. L. Nº 5. fol.
357. PR.
Ditto. |
An act to confirm two Deeds of Sale, the one from George Oldfield,
and Petronella
his Wife, and the other from Richard
Carr, Son and Heir at Law to a
certain John Carr of Cæcil County,
deceased, to Casparus Augustine Herman,.
Lib. L. Nº 5. fol. 359. PR.
A former Act to the same Purpose 1728,
ch. 13; but the Deeds being not recorded according
to that Act, the present Act
allowed Six Months for recording the same.
Ditto. |
An Act to record a Deed of Bargain and Sale, made by Thomas
Humphries, Esq;
and Mary his Wife, to john Gresham, Esq;
Lib. L. Nº 5. fol. 60. PR.
Ditto. |
An Act to cut off an Entail of Land called Marshe's Seat, lying
Ann-Arundel County; and to invest William
Vernon with an Estate in Fee-simple
in the said Tract of Land: And to settle a Parcel
of Land, being Part
of three Tracts of Land called Happy Choice, Clarke's
Groves, and The
Addition to Clarke's Groves, lying in Prince-George's
County, on Thomas
Knighton and the Heirs of his Body, in Lieu thereof.
Lib. L. Nº 5. fol.
361. PR.
Ditto. |
An Act for laying out the Town a new, commonly called Chester-Towen,
in Kent
County, and for ascertaining the Bounds thereof.
Lib. L. Nº 5. fol. 363.
N.B. This
Act, (1.) Sets forth that a town was formerly (viz.
by the Act of 1706, ch. 14,)
laid out in Kent County, on Chester River, commonly called
Chester-Town, or New-Town, containing
One Hundred Acres of Land; the Bounds whereof were very uncertain, and
the Improvement
very much hindered, by Reason that all the Lots were not taken up and improved
in Time, &c. (2.) Appoints and Impowers certain Commissioners
to survey and lay out the
One Hundred Acres of Land as agreeable, as conveniently may be, to the
Original Survey when
first laid out for a Town. (3.) The Commissioners, with the
Assistance of a skilful Surveyor,
some Time before the 1st November next, to meet at the Town, and
carefully survey and lay out
the said One Hundred Acres, into 100 convenient Lots, divided, marked and
number'd, from
1, to 100, with Streets, Lanes, &c. (4.) The Commissioners
to cause the Survey to be made
as near as possible to the original Plan of the Town, unless the Lines
by the said original
Survey, make any considerable Variation or Encroachment on the Lots therein
already improved
and built upon: In which Case, the Commissioners to make the same
Survey, in such Manner
that the Owners of such improved Lots, be not damnified in their Improvements.
And to set
up Posts, &c. to settle and distinguish the same Survey for ever. (5.)
The Land so surveyed,
&c. is hereby erected into a Town, to be called Chester-Town.
(6.) The Owners of
Lots formerly taken up, and not already built on, shall (within Eighteen
Months after such
Survey made, and a Record thereof entered according to this Act) build
on such Lot or Lots,
One House, to cover 400 square Feet of Ground, besides Sheds. And
any such Owner refusing
or neglecting to build as aforesaid, the Right, Title, &c. of such
Owner to such Lot, at the
Expiration of the said Eighteen Months, shall cease and determine; and
such Lot shall become the |