1730. |
A Supplementary Act to the Act entitled, a
Act for the laying out of Land,
and erecting a Town in St. Mary's County,
at a Place formerly called Seymour's
Town. Lib. L. Nº 5. fol.
N.B. By this Act,
Thomas Spalding, jun', the Owner of the Land, was permitted
to use
the Lots not taken up, &c. but not to remove any
of the Boundary Posts. (2.) It appearing
that Part of One Acre of Land, whereon the Court-house
of St. Mary's
County now stands,
was heretofore given by Philip Lynes, Esq; deceased,
to the Justices of the County for that Purpose;
but through Negligence of the Clerk doth not appear upon
Record, though Three of the
Bound-Posts are now standing, and the Place of the other
well known; the said land, contained
within the said Bounds, is hereby vested in the Justices,
&c. to the Use of the said County
for ever. (3.) The Surveyor to make a fair
plat of Leonard-Town, which shall be subscribed
by the Commissioners, and by them returned to the County
Clerk, and by him be entered among
the Land Records of the said County. (4.)
The original Act of 1728, ch. 16, not having mentioned
what Estate the Takers-up of Los shall have in the same;
it is hereby Enacted, that all
Persons who already have taken-up, or that shall hereafter
take up and pay for any of the said
Lots, and in all Things comply with the Directions of
the aforesaid Act, shall have and enjoy
an Estate in Fee-simple in the Lots so by them taken-up,
paid for, and built upon. (5.) Possessors
of Lots to pay to the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietor,
and his Heirs for ever, One
Penny Current Money per Annum, for each Lot so
taken up, &c. |
Passed 16th
June 1730.
a 1728, ch. 16. |
An Act for the laying gout of Land, and erecting a Town, at a Place
Broxon's Point, in Cæcil County.
Lib. L. Nº 5. fol. 331.
N.B. By this Act, (1.)
Certain Commissioners are impowered to purchase Twenty acres of
Land about the Midway of Bohemia River, on the
South Side thereof, at a Place called Broxon's
Point, in Cæcil County, and cause
the same to be surveyed and laid out for a Town. (2.) The
Commissioners to purchase the said Land by Agreement,
or Valuation of a Jury. (3.) And
cause the same to be laid out by the County Surveyor
into Twenty equal Lots, allowing convenient
Streets, Lanes, &c. and the Lots to be distinguished
by Posts towards the Streets, &c. and
numbered from 1, to 20. (4.) The Owner of
the Land to have the first Choice of one Lots,
provided he make Choice in Fifteen Days; after which
the remaining Lots may be taken up by
Inhabitants of the County; but none to take up more than
one Lot during the first Four Months,
and if not wholly taken up by the aforesaid Inhabitants
within that Time, then any other Persons
whatsoever to be at Liberty to take up the same.
(5.) The Sum assesses by the Jury, or agreed
for by the Commissioners as aforesaid, shall b paid to
the Owners of the Land, by the
Persons taking up Lots, in Proportion to their Lots
(6.) Persons taking up Lots shall build
thereon, within 18 Months after taking up, a House to
cover 400 square Feet, exclusive of
Sheds; and, if a Dwelling-house, no Chimney to be made
out of Brick or Stone: And all the
Houses to be built n the Edge of some Street, Lane, or
Alley, and to front the same. (7.) The
Commissioners to return an Account of their Proceedings,
within Ten Days after laying out the
Town, to the County Clerk; and the Surveyor likewise
to return to the said Clerk a fair Plat
and Certificate of the Town; which Proceedings, Plat
and Certificate, shall be by the Clerk
entered among the Land Records of the County, and the
Originals filed and kept in his Office.
(8.) Persons thinking for to take up Lots, shall
apply to the County Clerk, who shall enter in
the said Records the Name of the person applying, the
Date, and Number, of the Lots by
them taken up. And the Persons causing such Entry
to be made, and building on such Lots as
directed by this Act, shall be vested with a sure, and
indefeasible Estate, of Inheritance, in Fee-simple,
of, in, and to such Lots, &c. (9.) Persons
neglecting to build as before directed, shall
take up such Lots, making such Entry as by this Act directed,
and paying to the Commissioners,
or Person by them appointed, the Sum originally assessed
thereon, for the use and Benefit of the
Town: And such second Takers-up, by virtue of such
entry and Payment, and building thereon
as before directed, within 18 Months from such second
Entry, shall be vested with the same
Estate therein as is by this Act settled on the first
Taker-up. (10.) If any Lot remain not taken
up in Seven Years from the Laying out of such Town, then
shall the Owner of the Land be possessed
and interested therein, as in his first and former Estate.
(11.) The Town to be called
Cæcil-Town. (12.) Saving to the Crown,
the Lord Proprietor, all Bodies Politic and Corporate,
and all others not herein mentioned, their several Rights.,
(13.) Possessors of Lots to pay yearly
to his Lordship's Agent, One Penny Current Money for
each Lot, &c. |
Passed 16th
June 1730. |
An act for improving the Staple of Tobacco, and for continuing part
of an b Act
ascertaining the Gauge and Tare of Tobacco Hogsheads;
and to prevent Cropping,
Cutting, and Defacing Tobacco taken on board
Ships or Vessels upon
Freight; and for laying Impositions on Tobacco
per the Hogshead, for the Support
of Government, and for the encouraging Settlements
in this Province, by ascertaining
the Manner of paying his Lordship's Alienation
Fines and Quit-Rents for the
Term therein proposed; and for the taking off
the Three-pence per Hogshead
formerly raised for the Public Charge.
Lib. L. Nº 5. fol. 335. EXP.
Such Parts of this Act as related
to the Restraining the Number of Tobacco Plants to be planted,
&c. was to continue in force 'til the 29th September
1731; and for such other Clauses as related
to Payment of one Fourth Part of certain Public Dues
in Grain, were to continue in Force 'til
the 31st March 1732.
b 1717, ch. 7;
hereby continued in Part 'til the 29th September 1732. |
Ditto. |
B b b 2