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Bacon's Laws of Maryland
Volume 75, Page 197   View pdf image (33K)
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12  ANNE.
When a Parish
lies in 2
Counties, the
Bounds shall
be settled by
the Justices,


The Incumbent's
to commence
from the Day
of his Induction.

And on Removal
Death, to be
paid to the
Day of such
Removal, &c.
    III.  And whereas some Parishes are so divided, as that they are partly contained
in Two Counties;
Be it therefore Enacted by the Authority aforesaid,
by and with the Advice and Consent aforesaid,
That in every such Case, the Justices
of that County Court, wherein the disputable Bounds of such Parish is
contained, or the major Part of them, shall determine the same; and cause
such their Determination to be entered in the Records of their County Court
as aforesaid.

    IV.  And whereas it appears to this General Assembly, that there is not as
yet any Provision made by any Law of this Province, when, or after what
Manner the Forty Pounds of Tobacco per Poll shall become due, and payable
to the Ministers or Incumbents of the several Parishes within this Province;
which, heretofore, hath been the Occasion of many Disputes;
Be it therefore
by the Authority, Advice and Consent aforesaid, That when any
Minister shall, at any Time hereafter, be lawfully admitted or inducted into
any Parish within this Province, he shall not (by virtue of such his Admission
or Induction) have, demand, or receive, from the Vestry of such Parish,
the whole Forty Pounds of Tobacco per Poll for that Year in which he

is admitted or inducted; but only such proportionable Part of the same as
shall be found to be his Due, computing the Time from the Day of his Induction,
to the Time of laying the next Levy for the County in which his
Parish lies.  And when it shall so happen that any Minister or Incumbent,
who hath been a Resident in any Parish, then, and in such Case, the Vestry of that Parish
wherein he was Incumbent, shall, at the Time of the Laying the next Levy
for their County, pay to such Minister of he be alive, or to his Executors
or administrators if he be dead, such proportionable Part of the Forty Pounds
of Tobacco per Poll, as shall be due to him for such Part of the Year as he
continued in the said Parish, computing the same from the Time of the Laying
the last Levy for the said County, until the Time of such his Death or
Removal.  And if any Minister or Incumbent, that shall at any Time hereafter
be admitted or inducted into any Parish within this Province, shall die,
or remove again out of the same, before any Levy be laid in that County
where the said Parish lies; then, the Vestry of the said Parish, shall, at the
Time of the laying the next Levy in their County, pay to such Minister if
he be alive, to his Executors or Administrators if he be dead, so much of the
Forty Pounds of Tobacco per Poll, as shall be due to him, computing the
same from the Time of his Admission or Induction, to the Time of his Death,
or Removal, and no more; any Law, Statute, or Custom, to the contrary
                                        Examined and Compared with the Original Act, REVERDY GHISELIN,
                                                                                                                                THOMAS BACON.


Passed 14th
Nov. 1713.
An Act ascertaining what shall be allowed to Grand and Petit-Jurors, in the Provincial
    and County Courts of this Province, and Evidences summoned to attend
    the said Courts.  Lib.
LL. N° 4. fol. 93.  EXP.
To endure for 3 Years.  A new law made 1715, ch. 37.

Ditto. An Act for the Relief of Henry Acton of Prince-George's County, in making
    valid and effectual a certain Deed of Bargain and Sale, from
Gilbert Clarke to
    John Bayne.  Lib. LL. N° 4. fol. 94.  PR.
Ditto. An Act for Killing of Wolves, Crows, and Squirrels.  Lib. LL. N° 4. fol. 96.
    REP.  in part
1723, ch. 5; and totally 1728, ch. 7.
    A Supplementary Act 1716, ch. 2; and another 1722, ch. 1, both which are repealed 1728,
        ch. 7.

Ditto. An Act for the Payment and Assessment of the public Charge of this Province.
LL. N° 4. fol. 98.

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Bacon's Laws of Maryland
Volume 75, Page 197   View pdf image (33K)
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