1708. |
7 and 8 ANNE.
Passed 17th
Dec. 1708. |
An Act reviving an Act of Assembly of this Province, entitled, *
An Act ;laying
an Imposition of Three pence per Hogshead on Tobacco,
for defraying the Public
Charge of this Province; made at a Session of Assembly
begun and held at the
Port of Annapolis, December the 5th, Anno
1704. Lib. LL. N° 3. fol.
378. EXP.
* 1704, ch.
64, hereby continued 3 Years, &c. There is the same mis-recital
here as in the
Ditto. |
An Act for reviving a certain † Act of Assembly of this Province
the Height of Fences, to prevent the Evil occasioned
by the Multitude of Horses,
and restraining Horse-Rangers within this Province.
Lib. LL. N° 3. fol. 379.
EXP. |
† 1704, ch. 41, hereby continued 3 Years,
Ditto. |
An Act reviving an Act of Assembly of this Province, entitled, ||
An Act for
Limitation of Officers Fees; made at a Session of Assembly
begun and held at the
Port of Annapolis, December the 5th, Anno
Domini 1704. Lib. LL. N°
3. fol. 380. EXP.
|| 1704, ch. 86, hereby continued to the End of the next Session
of Assembly.
Ditto. |
An Act reviving an Act of Assembly of this Province, entitled, ‡
An Act for
Encouragement of Tillage, and Relief of poor Debtors;
made at an Assembly
begun and held at the Port of Annapolis, the
5th Day of September 1704.
Lib. LL. N° 3. fol. 381.
EXP. |
‡ 1704, ch. 28, hereby continued 3 Years,
1709. |
At a Session of ASSEMBLY begun and held at the
City of Annapolis, in Ann-Arundel County,
26th Day of October, and ended the 11th Day of
November, in the 8th Year of the Reign of our
Lady ANNE, Queen of Great-Britain, France
and Ireland, and the Dominions and Territories
thereto belonging, Defender of the Faith, &c.
Domini 1709, were Enacted the following Laws. |
EDWARD LLOYD, Esq; President.
Passed 11th
Nov. 1709. |
An Act confirming and making good and valid in Law, a certain Lease,
or Deed
of Demise, made between Robert Smith, late of
Talbot County, Esq; deceased,
and Matthew Mason of the same County, Planter.
Lib. LL. N° 3. fol.
383. PR.
Ditto. |
An Act confirming and making good and effectual in Law, a certain
Deed or Release
made by Susanna Tracey, wife of Thomas
Tracey, late of Ann-Arundel
County, Carpenter, to James Heath of the same
County, Gent. Lib.
LL. N° 3. fol. 384. PR.
The Deed was
made under Coverture, her Husband having been absent upwards of 5 Years.
Another Act 1711, ch. 10.
Ditto. |
An Act appointing how long suspected Runaways shall lie in Prison;
and for the
Discharge of Indian Harry, late a Prisoner in
Somerset County. Lib. LL.
N° 3. fol. 385. OBS.
The first Paragraph is re-enacted
1715, ch. 44, §. 35. The rest is PR. See
1711, ch. 16. |