JOHN SEYMOUR, Esq; Governor.
1708. |
VI. And be it
Enacted, by the Advice and
Consent aforesaid, That the Land
called the Town-Common, be reserved
and remain to the Use of the proper
Owner or Owners, unless the Citizens
can make it appear to have made Satisfaction
for the same, the next Session of
Examined and Compared with the Original Act, REVERDY GHISELIN,
&c. |
An Act ascertaining Fees to the Attorneys and Practitioners of the
law in
Courts of this Province, and for levying of the
same by Way of Execution. Lib.
LL. N° 3. fol. 364. REP.
1715, ch. 49; and 1719, ch. 16.
To endure for 3 Years, &c. continued
1712, ch. 18, for 3 Years, &c. A Clause in this law
was repealed
1709, ch. 14. A new Act made 1715, ch. 48.
Passed 17th
Dec. 1708. |
An Act for Payment and Assessment of the public Charge of this Province,
giving Time to the Sheriffs to demand public Dues till
the first of March this
present Year 1708. Lib. LL. N°
3. fol. 367. OBS.
Ditto. |
An Act ascertaining what Damages shall be allowed upon Protested
Bills of Exchange.
Lib. LL. N° 3. fol. 369. REP.
1715, ch. 49; and 1719, ch. 16. |
Ditto. |
A new law made 1715, ch. 7.
An Act impowering certain Trustees to sell a Tract of Land in Talbot
called Frankford St. Michael's, late the Estate
and Inheritance of William
Harris, late of Calvert County; and with the
Money thereby arising to purchase
other lands for the Use of Joseph Harris and
Benjamin Harris, Sons of the
said William Harris, and the Heirs of
their Bodies; according to the Direction
of the Last Will and Testament of the said William
Harris. Lib. LL. N° 3.
fol. 370. PR. |
Ditto. |
A Supplementary Act 1725, ch. 19.
An Act for appointing Court Days in each respective County within
this Province.
Lib. LL. N° 3. fol. 373. REP.
1715, ch. 49; and 1719, ch. 16.
This Law repeals the act of 1704, ch.
63. A new Law made 1715, ch. 14, which also repeals
this Act.
Ditto. |
An Act for confirming and making valid the Last Will and Testament
of Col. John
Contee. Lib. LL. N° 3. fol.
374. PR. REP. 1725, ch. 21.
Ditto. |
An Act for Naturalization of Benjamin Daffour, of Ann-Arundel
Planter; Justus Englehead Kitchin, of the same,
Planter; and James Robert,
of Calvert County, Planter. Lib.
LL. N° 3. fol. 376. PR.
Ditto. |
AN Act reviving an Act of Assembly of this Province, entitled, *
An Act for the
ordering and regulating the Militia of this Province,
for the better Defence and
Security thereof; made at a Session of Assembly, begun
and held at the Port of
Annapolis, December the 6th,
Anno Domini 1704. Lib. LL. N° 3. fol.
377. EXP.
* 1704, ch.
87, hereby continued to the End of the next Session of Assembly.
Ditto. |
An Act reviving an Act of Assembly of this Province; entitled, ?
An Act imposing
Three-pence per Gallon on Rum and Wine, Brandy and Spirits,
Twenty Shillings per Poll for Negroes, for raising a
Supply to defray the Public
Charge of this Province, and Twenty Shillings per Poll
on Irish Servants, to
prevent the importing too great a Number of Irish
Papists into this Province;
made at a Session of Assembly begun and held at the
Port of Annapolis, December
the 5th Anno Domini 1704. Lib.
LL. N° 3. fol. 377. EXP.
? 1704, ch.
33, hereby continued 3 Years, &c. N.B. There
is a Mistake in the Recital of
this Act, which was made at the Session begun the 5th September
1704, and passed the 3d October
following. |
Ditto. |