JOHN SEYMOUR, Esq; Governor.
1704. |
* Made 1694, ch. 8, hereby
continued in Force to the End of the next Session of Assembly.
This same Act is continued in Force for the same Time, among others, by
ch. 94, of this Session.
An Act declaring the Act, entitled, † An Act ascertaining
the Bounds of Land
to be in Force. Lib. LL. N° 3. fol.
214. EXP.
† Made 1699, ch. 18, hereby
continued in Force to the End of the next Session of Assembly.
Passed 9th of
Dec. 1704. |
An Act declaring the Act, entitled, || An Act for the Punishment
of Persons suborning
Witnesses, and committing wilful and corrupt Perjury,
to be in Force.
Lib. LL. N° 3. fol. 215. EXP.
|| Made 1692, ch. 16, hereby
continued in Force to the End of the next Session of Assembly.
This same Act is also continued
for the same Time, by ch. 94, of this Session.
Ditto. |
An Act declaring an Act, entitled, ‡ An Act for sanctifying
and keeping Holy the
Lord's Day, commonly called Sunday, to be perpetual.
Lib. LL. N° 3. fol.
215. REP. 1723, ch. 16.
‡ Made 1696, ch. 10; it is Re-enacted
(in Substance) in 1723, ch. 16.
Ditto. |
An act declaring an Act, entitled, + An Act concerning Indians,
to be in Force.
Lib. LL. N° 3. fol. 216. EXP.
+ Made 1692,
ch. 63, hereby continued in Force to the End of the next Session
of ASsembly.
The same Act is also continued
for the same Time, by ch. 94, of this Session.
Ditto. |
At a Session of ASSEMBLY begun and held at the
Town and Port of Annapolis, in Ann-Arundel
County, on the 15th, and ended the 25th Day of
May 1705, and in the 4th Year of her Majesty's
Reign, were enacted the Laws following. |
1705. |
JOHN SEYMOUR, Esq; Governor.
An Act for the Relief of Ann-Arundel County, and all Persons
concerned in the
Records thereof, lately burned. Lib. LL. N°
3. fol. 217.
(1.) The Governor impowered to appoint
seven or more Commissioners, whereof any three
or more, from Time to Time, to hear and determine all Differences, Claims,
&c. between any
Inhabitants, or other Persons, interested in the Lands lying within the
County aforesaid, &c.
summarily, and without the Formality and Proceedings in Courts of Law,
or Equity, either
upon the Verdict or Inquisition of Jurors, Testimony of Witnesses upon
Oath, Examination of
Parties interested, or by all or any the said Ways, or otherwise, according
to their Discretions.
(2.) The Judgment or Sentence of the said Commissioners, or any three
or more of them, to
be final between the said parties, their Heirs, Executors,
Administrators and Assigns, and all
claiming by, from or under them, &c. The said Commissioners always
giving timely Notice,
of not less than Sixteen Days, of the Time and Place of their Sitting.
(3.) Saving the Right
of all Persons under Age, Non sanæ Memoriæ, Femme Couverts,
and Persons non-resident within
this Province, during such Time as they shall continue so, who are allowed
to prosecute their
Claims within Twelve Months after such Disability removed: And unless
any Party dissatisfied
therewith, shall appeal therefrom, within Thirty Days, to such Commissioners
as the Governor
for the Time being, shall authorise, not exceeding Five in Number, whereof
the major Part, if
all such Commissioners meet, or Two, in case only Three meet, to determine
finally thereon;
without farther Appeal or Review. (4.) For better Discovery
of Peoples Rights to Lands, claimed
before them, the Commissioners are impowered to issue Precepts tot he Sheriff
and Surveyor
of the said County, to Resurvey, and make Returns to the said Commissioners,
pursuant to the
Tenor of such Precepts and Warrants, &c. (5.) the Judgments
and Determinations made
between party and Party, by virtue of this Act, to be
recorded in a fair Book or Books, &c.
And every such Judgment, or Determination, to be signed by three or more
of the said Commissioners:
Which Book or Books, when perfected, to be placed and intrusted in the
Custody of
the Clerk of Ann-Arundel County, among the Records of the said County,
that all persons concerned
may repair to view the same, &c.
By the Act of 1719, ch. 16, this Act is declared
to have always hitherto been in as full Force
and Effect as if the same had never been Repealed: Provided no Person
concerned therewith be
allowed to make their Claims, by virtue thereof, after the 20th June
1720. Saving to Infants, |
Passed 25th
May 1705. |