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Bacon's Laws of Maryland
Volume 75, Page 101   View pdf image (33K)
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added to, and made Part of TALBOT County.  (7.)  That Part of Talbot County lying on the
North Side of Corsica Creek, running upon the main Eastern Branch to the Head thereof, and then 
with a Course drawn East, to the Outside of this Province, shall be the Southerly Bounds of the
County of KENT, and on the North be the County of Cæcil.  (8.)  Commissioners appointed to
cause the Bounds between Kent and Talbot Counties to be run out and marked by a double Line 
of Trees, and return Certificate thereof as aforesaid.
Passed 22d of
May 1695.
An Act for laying the public Levy.  OBS.
Ditto. An Explanatory Act to the * Act of Repeal of all Laws heretofore made in this
    Province, and Confirming all Laws made by this General Assembly.  Lib. LL.
    N° 2. fol. 96.  REP.
    * 1692, ch. 84. By this Act, the several Acts of Naturalization; and all other private Acts
whatsoever, heretofore made, were confirmed, ratified, &c. in full Force; any Act or Acts heretofore 
made to the contrary notwithstanding.
Ditto. An Act for reviving the Temporary laws of this Province.  EXP.
    The following Acts, viz. 1692, ch. 12, 26, 28, 33, 34, 45, 46, 53, 54, 55, 61, 68, 77,
79, and 83; and 1694, ch. 13, 18, 19, 20, 22, and 31, are hereby continued 3 Years, or to
the End of the next Session.
Ditto. An Additional Act to the Act for regulating the Militia of this Province.  EXP.
    † 1692, ch. 83.  This Act to be in Force 3 Years, or to the End of the next Session.  Continued
        1695, ch. 26.  A new Act 1699, ch. 47.
At a Session of ASSEMBLY, begun and held at the
    Port of Annapolis on Tuesday the 3d Day of October,
    in the 7th Year of the Reign of our Sovereign
    Lord and Lady WILLIAM and MARY, by the
    Grace of GOD, of England, Scotland, France and
    Ireland, King and Queen, Defenders of the Faith,
    &c. Annoq; Domini 1695, and ended on Saturday
    the 19th Day of the same Month, were Enacted 
    the following Laws.
Passed 19th
October 1695.
An Act for regulating the Proceedings of the Provincial Court, and lessening the
    Charge of Evidences Attendance.  EXP.
For 3 Years, or to the End of the next General Assembly.
Ditto. An Act for Appeals, and regulating Writs of Error.  EXP.
    For 3 Years, or to the End of the next General Assembly.  A new Act made 1699, ch. 10.
Ditto. An Act for the Imposition of Four Pence per Gallon on Liquors imported into this
    Province.  EXP.
For 3 Years, &c. for raising Money for building and repairing Court Houses, Free Schools,
        Bridewells, or such Public Services.

Ditto. An Act for Securing several persons Rights to Town Lands.  Lib. LL. N° 2
This Act is the same, mutatis mutandis, with the Act of 1715, ch. 32. §. 1, 2, and 3.
Ditto. An Act for laying an Imposition on several Commodities exported out of this
    Province. Lib.
LL. N° 2. fol. 98.  REP.  1704, ch.  27, §. 10.
    This Act repeals the Act of 1694, ch. 23, and is the same, mutatis mutandis, with the Act of
        1704, by which it is repealed.

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Bacon's Laws of Maryland
Volume 75, Page 101   View pdf image (33K)
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