after be erected by the State. He shall frequently inspect
such buildings as are committed to his charge, and ex-
amine all accounts for labor and materials required for
their construction, or repairs.
SEC. 5. He shall inquire into the undeveloped resources
of wealth of the State of Maryland, more especially con-
cerning those within the limits of the Chesapeake Bay
and its tributaries, which belong to the State, and sug-
gest such plans as may be calculated to render them avail-
able as souces of revenue.
SEC. 6. He shall make detailed reports to every Gen-
eral Assembly within the first week of its session, in ref-
erence to each of the subjects committed to his charge;
and he shall also report to the Governor, in the recess of
the Legislature, all abuses or irregularities which he may
find to exist in any department of public affairs, with
which his office is connected.
SEC. 7. The office hereby established shall continue
for four years from the date of the qualification of the
first incumbent thereof; and shall then expire, unless con-
tinued by :the General Assembly.
SECTION 1. The inhabitants of the City of Baltimore,
qualified by law to vote in said city for members of the
House of Delegates, shall on the fourth Wednesday of
October, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, and on the
same day in every fourth year thereafter, elect a person
to be Mayor of the City of Baltimore, who shall have
such qualifications, receive such compensation, discharge
such duties, and have such powers as are now, or may
hereafter be prescribed by law; and the term of whose
office shall commence on the first Monday of November
succeeding his election, and shall continue for four years,
and until his successor shall have qualified; and he shall
be ineligible for the term next succeeding that for which
he was elected.
SEC. 2. The City Council of Baltiomre shall consist of
two branches, one of which shall be called the First
Branch, and the other the Second Branch; and each shall
consist of such number of members, having such quali-
fication, receiving such compensation, performing such
duties, possessing such powers, holding such terms of