suance of the sentence of a court-martial. He shall per-
form such duties, and receive such compensation, or
emoluments, as are now, or may be prescribed by law.
He shall discharge the duties of his office at the seat of
government, unless absent, under orders, on duty; and
no other officer of the General Staff of the Militia shall
receive salary, or pay, except when on service, and must-
ered in with troops.
SEC. 3. The existing Militia Law of the State shall ex-
pire at the send of the next session of the General As-
sembly, except so far as it may be re-enacted, subject to
the provisions of this Article.
SECTION 1. There shall be a Superintendent of Labor
and Agriculture, elected by the qualified voters of this
State at the first general election for Delegates to the
General Assembly after the adoption of this Constitu-
tion, who shall hold his office for the term of four years,
and until the election and qualification of his successor.
SEC. 2. His qualifications shall be the same as those
prescribed for the Comptroller; he shall qualify and en-
ter upon the duties of his office on the second Monday of
January next succeeding the time of his election; and a
vacancy in the office shall be filled by the Governor for
the residue of the term.
SEC. 3. He shall perform such of the duties now de-
volved by law upon the Commissioner of Immigration and
the Immigration Agent, as will promote the object for
which those officers were appointed, and such other duties
as may be assigned to hun by the General Assembly, and
shall receive a salary of twenty-five' hundred dollars a
year; and after his election and qualification, the offices
before mentioned shall cease.
SEC. 4. He shall supervise all the State inspectors of
agricultural products and fertilizers; and from time to
time, shall carefully examine and audit their accounts,
and prescribe regulations, not inconsistent with law, tend-
ing to secure economy and efficiency in the business of
their offices. He shall have the supervision of the tobacco
warehouses; and all other buildings used for inspection
and storage purposes by the State; and may, at the dis-
cretion of the Legislature, have the supervision of all
public buildings now belonging to, or which may here-