assistant secretary, Thomas H. Moore, of Baltimore
county; Sergeant-at-arms, Charles G. Griffith, of Balti-
more city. Committee Clerks—John P. Posey, of St.
Mary's county; Stephen P. Toadvine, of Somerset county;
N. T. Meginnis, of Kent county, and John H. Woodward,
of Baltimore city. Doorkeepers—John Hagan, of Fred-
erick county, and Henry Dryden, of Worcester county.
Postmaster—Joseph E. Bateman, of Harford county.
And be it further ordered that the President of the
Convention be authorized to appoint, during his pleasure,
the remaining officers of this Convention, consisting of
four pages, one hallkeeper, one lamplighter and two fold-
ers, provided he considers such appointments necessary.
The officers elect then came forward and took the oath
of office.
Mr. Bateman, of Talbot, offered the following, which
was adopted:
Resolved, That the thanks of this Convention are due
and are hereby tendered to the Hon. John F. Dent for the
dignified and impartial manner with which he discharged
the duties of temporary president, and that they also be
extended to Jas. R. Howison, Esq., for the amenity and
ability with which he has discharged the duties of sec-
retary protem.
Mr. Jones offered the following, which was adopted:
Resolved, That the ministers of religion resident in the
city of Annapolis be. requested to arrange among them-
selves, select, and name to the president of the Conven-
tion one of their number of each of the religious denomi-
nations to which they respectively belong, alternately to
officiate as chaplain to open the daily sessions of the Con-
vention with prayer.
Ordered, That the secretary of the Convention trans-
mit to each of the ministers aforesaid a copy of the fore-
going resolution.
Mr. Nicolai offered the following:
Ordered, That the president of the Convention be au-
thorized to indicate a suitable person to hoist the flag of
the United States from the State House dome daily dur-
ing the sessions of the Convention.