illegal votes to be given; and I do further swear (or
affirm) that I will bear true allegiance to the State of
Maryland, and support the constitution and laws thereof,
and that I will bear true allegiance to the United States,
and support, protect and defend the constitution, laws
and government thereof as the supreme law of the land,
any law or ordinance of this or any State to the contrary
notwithstanding; and I do further swear (or affirm) that
I will, to the best of my ability, protect and defend the
Union of the United States, and not allow the same to be
broken up and dissolved, or the government thereof to be
destroyed under any circumstances if in my power to pre-
vent it, and that I will at all times discountenance and
oppose all political combinations having for their object
such dissolution or destruction. "
The committee further report that said oath should be
administered to the president elect of the Convention, by
some judge or justice of the peace of the State, and should
then, in conformity with the third section of the sixty-
eighth article of the code of public general laws, be ad-
ministered by said president to the other members of the
Convention, and to the officers thereof; and that said
oath, after having been administered as aforesaid, should
be subscribed by said president, members and officers of
the Convention, respectively, in conformity with the pro-
visions of said article of the code.
The president of the Convention, Judge Carmichael,
then took the oath of office before Judge Daniel R. Ma-
gruder, and subscribed his name thereto.
The oath of office was then similarly taken and sub-
scribed to by the members of the Convention, by delega-
tions, before the president.
Mr. Geo. M. Gill offered the following, which was
Ordered that the following persons be declared ap-
pointed to the offices of this Convention for which they
are respectively named, and during the pleasure of this
Convention: Secretary, Milton Y. Kidd, of Cecil county;