line and insert the words "to the extent only of; " and in
fifth line after "stock, " strike out "first" and insert the
words "of the State, on which the State is entitled to only
six per cent, interest. "
The section was opened and the amendment agreed to.
Mr. Alvey asked to open the report to an amendment to
give the president and directors of the canal the power to
establish the toll rates.
Mr. Barnes saw no necessity for putting anything of
this kind in the constitution. The canal had the power to
fix the toll rates now.
The report was opened and the amendment adopted.
Thee bill was then passed, yeas 83, nays 3—Messrs.
Lee, Merryman and Stoddert.
Orders were submitted and unanimously adopted, tend-
ering the thanks of the Convention to Messrs. Dent, Van-
sant, Kilbourn, Ford and Brooke for the manner in which
they have at various times discharged the duties of the
At 1. 30 P. M. the committee on revision and compila-
tion reported the constitution entire, and it was adopted
by the following vote:
Yeas—Messrs. Carmichael, president; Alvey, Archer,
Austen, Barnes, Barry, Bateman, Bell, Brent, Brewer of
Montgomery, Brown, Buchanan, Carter, Chambers, Cos-
grove, Cover, Cunningham, Denson, Dent, Dennis, Dob-
bin, Dorsey, Duvall, Emack, Evans, Farnandis, Ferry, Fin-
ley, Flaherty, Ford, French, Franklin, Gent, Garey,
George, Giddings, Gill, Goldsborough of Dorchester, Golds-
borough of Talbot, Groome, Hammond, Hardcastle, Hay-
den, Hoblitzell, Hudson, Hollyday, Howard, Howison,
Hubbard, Ireland, Jamison, Jarvis, Johnson, Jones, Keat-
ing, Kilbourn, Longwell, Mackubin, Mann, Marbury, Mas-
sey, Maulsby, McCormick, McKaig, McPherson, Merrick,
Merryman, Mitchell, Morris, Motter, Murray, Nelson,
. Nicolai, Page, Parker, C. S. Parran, John Parran, Pleas-
ants, Pole, Rider, Riggs, Ringgold, Ritchie, Roman, Silver,
Spates, Starr, Syester, Tarr of Caroline, Tarr of Worces-
ter, Thomas, Toadvine, Vansant, Walsh, Watkins of Mont-
gomery, Wethered, Whitman, Wickes and Wilkerson—99.