citizens taxable in the county or city where the
resident bona fide resides for the greater part of
the year, except leasehold property and goods
and chattels, which shall be taxed in the city or
county where located. The legal rate of interest
remains at 6 per cent., as now, but full authority
is given to the Legislature over the subject. It
is also made obligatory on the Legislature to tax
the revenue accruing from business done in
Maryland of all foreign corporations.
The article on education provides that the
present school system of the State shall cease
at the end of the first session of the General
Assembly, but makes it incumbent on that body,
at its first session, to provide for a new system,
all the details of which, including the rate of
taxation, are left to it.
The article on the militia and military does
away also with the present (new) militia law at
the end of the next session of the Legislature,
and provides that the office of Inspector Gen-
eral shall cease immediately on the adoption of
the constitution.
The basis of representation is reckoned on
the whole population, instead of the whites only,
as in the present constitution, and the number
of members in the House of Delegates to which
each county and the city of Baltimore shall be
entitled is as follows: Allegany five, Anne Arun-
del three, each of the three legislative districts
in Baltimore city six, Baltimore county six, Cal-
vert two, Caroline two, Carroll four, Cecil four,
Charles two, Dorchester three, Frederick six,
Harford four, Howard two, Kent two, Mont-
gomery three, Prince George's three, Queen
Annes' two, St. Mary's two, Somerset three,
Talbot two, Washington five, Worcester three.
The only changes from the present constitution
are, that Anne Arundel is given three instead of
two delegates, Calvert two instead of one, Car-
roll four instead of five, Charles two instead of
one, Dorchester three instead of two, Montgom-
ery three instead of two, Prince George's three
instead of two, St. Mary's two instead of one.
Another scale of representation is provided, to
go into effect after the taking of the next census,