icy and authority of the United States, compen-
sation, in consideration thereof, is due from the
United States. "
In accordance with this view and the former
declarations and actions of both the executive
and legislative branches of the federal govern-
ment on the subject, it is provided that the
Legislature "shall take such steps as may be
deemed necessary to urge upon the United
States such aid in compensation for emancipa-
iton in this State as was pledged by the joint
resolution passed by the Congress of the United
States, April 10th, 1862, and shall pass such laws
as may be necessary for the distribution of such
aid as may be received from the United States
for that purpose. "
The only material changes in the executive de-
partment are the conferring of the veto power
on the Governor and the abolition of the office
of Lieutenant Governor.
The legislative article restricts the regular
sessions of the Legislature to ninety days and
the extra sessions to thirty days. The disa-
bility of ministers of the gospel to become mem-
bers of the General Assembly, which was left out
in the Constitution of 1864, is restored. The
State is forever prohibited from loaning its
credit to works of internal improvement, with
an exception to the extent of $300, 000 in favor
of the counties of St. Mary's, Charles and Cal-
vert. All counties and municipal corporations
are also prohibited from embarking their credit
in works of internal improvement without au-
thority from the Legislature, subject to the rati-
fication by a majority of the qualified voters
A new clause is provided against bribery, by
requiring the Legislature, at its first session, to
pass laws to punish, by fine and imprisonment
in the penitentiary, all who bribe, or attempt to
bribe, executive, judicial or State officers, or
members of the Assembly, or municipal or exec-
utive officers of municipal corporations, and to
punish, in the manner, all such officers or mem-
bers as shall demand or receive bribes. An article
also is added making the personal property of