On the motion by Mr. Lee to strike out the 33d
Section of the same Report, 352, 353.
On the motion by Mr. Lee to amend the 33d
Section of the same Report, 354, 355.
On the motion by Mr. Gill to amend the order
by Mr. Tarr, of Worcester, for a recess, 357, 358.
On the motion by Mr. Tarr, of Worcester, for
a recess, 358, 359.
On the motion by Mr. McCormick to reconsider
the 33d Section of the Report of the Committee
upon the Legislative Department, 364, 365.
On the motion by Mr. Dent to amend the 33d
Section of the same Report, 365, 366, 367.
On the motion by Mr. 'Barnes to amend the
38th Section of the same Report, 368, 369.
On the motion by Mr. Buchanan, to strike out
the 47th Section of the same Report, 380, 381.
On the motion by Mr. Farnandis, to lay on the
table the Memorial of the Public School State
Teachers' Association, 389, 390.
On the motion by Mr. Carter, to take up for
consideration the Report of the Committee upon
Public Works and Corporations, 397.
On the motion by Mr. Mackubin, the 1st Sec-
tion of the same report, 399, 400.
On motion by Mr. Archer, to amend the 3d
Section of the same report, 400, 401,
On the motion by Mr. Nicolai, to reconsider the
above vote, 402, 403.
On the motion by Mr. Carter, to order the same
report to be engrossed, 403, 404.
On the motion by Mr. Brewer, to adjourn, 413,
On the motion by Mr. Brooke, to dispense with
further proceedings under the call, 414, 415.
On the motion by Mr. Brewer, to adjourn, 415,