On the motion by Mr. Hammond to substitute
for the orders by Mr. Alvey and Mr. Jones, te
report the Petitions on the subject of a new Coun-
ty to a Select Committee, 287, 288.
On the order by Mr. Hammond to adjourn to
the 9th of July, 289, 290.
On the motion by Mr. Page to amend the Re-
port of the Committee upon the Rates of Interest
and the Usury Laws, 296, 297.
On the motion by Mr. Bradley to amend, the
same Report, 297, 298.
On the motion by Mr. Groome to amend the
same Report, 298, 299.
On the motion by Mr. Mackubin to recommit
the same Report, 300, 301.
On the motion by Mr. Alvey to amend the
same Report, 301, 302.
On the motion by Mr. Ritchie to amend the
same Report, 302, 303.
On the motion by Mr. Watkins to amend the
same Report, 303, 304.
On the motion by Mr. Barnes to amend the
Report of the Committee on Education, 309, 310,
On the motion by Mr. Morris to amend the
substitute by Mr. Devries for the Report of the
Committee on Education, 311, 312.
On the motion by Mr. Gill to amend the same
Report, 312, 313.
On the motion by Mr. Rider to adjourn until
Monday, 10 o'clock, 314, 315.
On the motion by Mr. Syester to amend the
30th Section of the Report of the Committee upon,
the Legislative Department, 345, 346.
On the motion by Mr. Denson to lay on the
table the motion by Mr. Maulsby that there shall
be two daily Sessions of the Convention, 347, 348,
On the motion by Mr. Jones to amend the 30th
Section of the Report of the Committee on the
Legislative Department, 350, 351