On motion by Mr Jones, to amend the 24th
Article of the Bill of Rights, 139, 140.
On the the question, "shall the main question
be put?" on the order by Mr. Ritchie", that the
question of removing the disability on negroes to
testify, in Courts of Justice, ought to be settled by
this Convention, 148, 149.
On the question to adopt the order by Mr.
Ritchie, that the question of removing the disa-
bility on negroes to testify in Courts of Justice
ought to be settled by this Convention, 149, 150.
On motion by Mr. Gill, to adjourn to Monday,
10 1/2 o'clock, 154, 155.
On the motion by Mr. Ritchie, to the amend-
ment by Mr. Archer, to amend the 24th Article
of the Declaration of Rights, 157, 158.
On the motion by Mr. Archer to recommit the
Report of the Committee on the Legislative De-
partment, with instructions, &c., 158, 159,
On the question of adopting the amendment to
the minority report on the 36th Article of the
Declaration of Rights, 159, 160.
On the motion by Mr. Ritchie to strike out after
the word "juror," the words, "in consequence of
his opinions on matters of religious belief," 160,
On the motion by Mr. Carter, to amend the 37th
Article of the Declaration of Rights, 161, 162,
On the motion by Mr. Kilbourn, to amend the
38th Article of the Bill of Rights, 163, 164.
On the motion by Mr. Tarr, of Worcester, to
insert as the 3d Section of the minority report of
the Committee on the Executive Department in,
the majority report, 169, 170.
On the motion by Mr. Nelson to recommit the
reports of the Committee on the Executive De-
partment, with instructions, &c., 171, 172.
On the motion by Mr. Page to divide the State
into three Gubernatorial Districts, 173,, 174.