WRECK MASTER—See Appointment, Tenure of Office,
&c.—The Constitution, this vol., Art. VII, Sundry
Officers, 754.
YEAS AND NAYS—On motion by Mr. Gill, to amend
motion by Mr. Barry, to appoint the Standing
Committees, 18,19.
On motion by Mr. Groome to substitute an or-
der for the resolution by Mr. Brewer, to arrange
the seats, 21, 22.
On motion by Mr. Marbury, to inquire into ex-
pediency of incorporating into the Constitution
provisions for the publication of new editions of
the Maryland Code, 31, 32.
On motion by Mr. Merryman, to lay on the
table the order by Mr. Archer, for appointment of
an Assistant Postmaster, 45, 46.
To be called alphabetically, under Rule, 48, 64.
On motion by Mr. Groome, on the order by Mr,
Archer, to dispense with the services of a report-
er-in-chief, 68, 69.
On motion by Mr. Garey, on the recommenda-
tion of the Committee on Claims, for the appoint-
ment of two additional Folders, 81, 82.
On motion by Mr. Stoddert, on the motion by
Mr. Mitchell, to strikeout the second Article of
the Bill of Rights, 97, 98.
On motion by Mr. Ritchie, on the substitute
proposed by Mr. Nelson, to the substitute pro-
posed by Mr. Peters, for the second Article of the
Bill of Rights, 98, 99.
On motion by Mr. Rennolds, on the amendment
proposed by Mr. Alvey, to the 4th Article of the
Bill of Rights, 113, 114.
On motion by Mr. Mitchell to adjourn until
Monday, 12 o'clock, 114, 115.
On motion by Mr. Devries, to amend the 15th
Article of the Bill of Rights, 123, 124.