Petitions of citizens against the new county
scheme, 196, 232, 333; 356.
Order that Committee on Basis of Representa-
tion submit to inspection of Relegates petitions
for formation of new county, 196.
Committee on Judiciary Department discharged
from consideration of petitions, 287.
Referred to Special Committee, 287, 288, 293,
294—See Counties— Wicomico.
SOMERS, HENRY H.—Appointed Page, qualified, 23, 24.
SPATES, ALFRED—Appeared, 4.
Qualified, 11.
SPECIAL JUDGES—Comptroller of the Treasury to report
amounts paid to, 17; reported, 24, 25.
STANDING COMMITTEES—Order to appoint, appointed,
14, 15, 26, 27, 28.
200 copies of, to be printed in card form, 71.
Reports of, when engrossed to be printed, 294
Referred to Committee on Revision and Compi-
lation, 295.
STARR, SAMUEL W.—Appeared, 4.
Qualified, 11.
Detained from his seat by sickness, 285.
STAMPS—See Postage Stamps.
troller of the Treasury to report amounts paid to,
17; reported, 25—See under head of each County
Commissioners, Clerks of , Attorney General, &c.—
The Constitution, this volume, Article V, Attorney
General, &c., 749.
STATE LIBRARIAN—Communication from, 26.
Report on allowance for purchasing, &c., sta-
tionery, 240.
Order, how he shall distribute copies of the
Constitution, 679, 680—See Appointment, Tenure
of Office, &c.—The Constitution; this volume, Arti-
cle VII, Sundry Officers, T53.