SERGEANT-AT-ARMS-Charles G. Griffith appointed,
qualified, 12.
His duties under the Rules, 66.
Order to provide seats for officers of French,
frigate, Jean Bart, 103.
Thomas A. Mitchell appointed temporary, 447.
SHERIFFS—See Judiciary Department—The Constitution, this
volume, Article IV, Judiciary Department, 747.
SILVER, HENRY A.—Appeared, 4.
Qualified, 11.
SLAVES—Committee on Legislative Department to report
on propriety of prohibiting General Assembly
from making appropriations to compensate mas-
ters of liberated, 29—See Legislative Department—
The Constitution, this volume, Article III, Legisla-
tive Department, 732.
SOMERSET COUNTY—List of Delegates to the Conven-
tion, 7.
Motion of inquiry relative to forming a new
county out of, and Worcester, 35.
Clerk of Circuit Court to furnish information of
aggregate revenue of office, &c., 36; reported,
274, 275.
Of Commissioners of amounts levied for State's
Attorney, 36, 70; reported, 101, 102.
Of Circuit Court, of number of cases tried, in-
dictments, &c., 17, 18; reported, 70, 118.
Of Commissioners amounts levied and paid Cir-
cuit Court Clerks, 36; reported, 101,102.
To report amounts levied to Public Schools, 44.
To report aggregate amount of assessable prop-
erty, 72; reported, 102.
To report amount levied for Orphans' Court,
17, 18; reported, 70.
Memorial of H. Humphrey, W. T. Dennis and
others, relative to formation of a new county out
of, and Worcester, 127, 157, 253, 254, 330.
Clerk of Commissioners to report amount paid
on account of Registration of Voters, 135; report-
ed, 194.