Order to engross, 702, 703.
Reported with amendment, 106.
Proceedings on, 707.
Passed, 707, 708.—See The Constitution, this
vol., Art. XII, Public Works, 758.
QUEEN ANNE'S COUNTY—List of Delegates to the Con-
vention, 7.
Clerk of Commissioners to report amounts levied
and paid Judges of Orphans' Courts, 17; report-
ed, 75.
Clerk of Circuit Court to furnish information
of aggregate revenue of office, &c., 35.
Of Commissioners, of amount levied for State's
Attorney, 36; reported, 85, 91.
Of Circuit Court of number of indictments, &c.,
36, 42; reported, 91.
Of Commissioners of amounts levied and paid
Circuit Court Clerks, 42; reported, 85.
To report amounts levied for support of Public
Schools, 44; reported, 85.
To report aggregate amount of assessable prop-
erty, 72; reported, 135.
To report amount paid on account of Registra-
tion of Voters, 135; reported, 165, 166.
RAILROADS—Order of inquiry, relative to making provi-
sion for encouragement of facilities on, 96.
Relative to effecting pro rata charges on, 96