Tabular statement relative to, 255,256,257; 258.
—See Public Instruction—Education—The Consti-
tution, this vol., Art. VIII, Education, 754.
PUBLIC ROADS—See Agriculture.
point a Committee on, 20; appointed, 28.
Order that Committee inquire into expediency
of legislation relative to charges on all Railroads,
&c., 96.
That Committee obtain information from offi-
cers of Baltimore City relating to its affairs, 103.
To inquire into expediency of levying a tax on
foreign corporations, 128; reported, 195.
That Committee investigate proceedings of
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, and par-
ticularly endorsement of Union Railroad bonds
and building new City Hall, 219; Report of
Committee, 538, 539, 540, 541, 542, 543, 544,
545, 546, 547, 548.
That Committee inquire into expediency of
requiring all Railroads to be built, in crossing
turnpikes to build either above or beneath the
beds, so as to avoid obstruction to vehicles, 219.
Report of Committee, Article, Baltimore City,
370, 371, 372.
Proceedings on, 388, 397.
Order to engross, 398.
Reported with amendments, proceedings on,
-631, 632; rejected, 633; notice for reconsidera-
tion, 633.
Reconsidered, amended, passed, 641, 642.
Committee on Accounts to pay expenses of Sub-
Committee, 437.— See The Constitution, tliis vol.,
Art. XI, City of Baltimore, 756.
Report of Committee, Article, Public Works,
390, 391, 392, 393.
Proceedings on, 395, 633, 634, 635, 642, 643,
644, 645, 661, 662, 666, 667, 669, 670, 671, 672,
673, 682, 683, 684, 685, 686, 687, 688, 689, 690,
691, 692, 693, 694, 695, 696, 697, 698, 699, 700,
701, 702.