MURRAY, JOSEPH—Appeared, 4.
Qualified, 11.
Leave of absence granted, 204.
MURPHY & CO.—Comptroller to contract with him for
printing and binding 500 copies of the Constitu-
tion when adopted by the people, 679.
MYERS, A. J.—And others, relative to election of Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore, 253.
NEALE, ANTHONY M.—Appointed page, qualified, 23,
Leave of absence granted, 292.
NEGRO TESTIMONY—Order as the sense of the Conven-
tion that disability ought to be removed by a pro
vision in the Constitution, 148, 149, 150.
That the provision for admission of, ought to
be inserted in the Legislative Department, 160—
See Legislative Department—See The Constitution,
this volume, Article III, Legislative Department
Qualified, 11.
Absent owing to death in his family, 178.
NEPOTISM—Memorial from A. Watson on subject of, 125.
NEW COUNTIES—See Counties, Wicomico, Worcester,
NEW YORK—Resolution of Constitutional Convention fol
exchange of Journal, Debates and Proceedings,
order responding, 332.
NICOLAI, CHARLES H.—Appeared, 4.
Qualided, 11.
NICHOLSON, JOSEPH H.—Appointed desk of Revision
and Compilation, 81.
Qualified, 101—See- Revision and Compilation.
NOTARIES PUBLIC—See Judiciary Department.