MITCHELL, THOMAS A.—Appointed policeman for the
Rotunda, 46, 47.
Temporary Sergeant-at-Arms, 447.
Motion to appoint him to take charge of the
Dome and Rotunda, 704.
Qualified, 11.
Leave of absence granted, 115,175.
MONTGOMERY COUNTY—List of Delegates to the Con-
vention, (name of Nicholas Brewer omitted—page
6,) 4, 11.
Clerk of Circuit Court to furnish information of
aggregate revenue of office, &c., 35.
Seats of Delegates arranged, 35.
Clerk of Commissioners to furnish information
of amounts levied tor State's Attorneys, and
Clerks of Circuit Courts, 36; reported, 91.
Of Circuit Court of number of Indictments, &c.,
36; reported, 91.
Of Commissioners, of amounts levied and paid
Circuit Court Clerks, 42; reported, 91.
To report amounts levied to Public Schools, 44.
To report amount of assessable property, 72 ;
reported, 101.
To report amount paid on account of Registra-
tion of Voters, 135; reported, 231.
MOORE, THOMAS H.—Assistant Secretary, appointed,
qualified, 12—See Assistant Secretary.
MORRIS, JAMES—Appeared, 4.
Qualified, 11.
MOTTER, WILLIAM—Appeared, 4.
Qualified, 11.
How he would have voted, had he been present,
on certain amendments to Bill of Rights, 169.'
Leave of absence granted, 204.
MURDOCK, GEORGE W.—Appointed Hall-keeper, quali-
fied, 23, 34.
Report on his account for cleaning Hall, &c.,