the removal (renewal) and extension, in whole or in part, of
any and all debts and obligations, created according to Law
before the adoption of this Constitution.
Sec. 8. All Laws and Ordinances, now in force, applicable
to the City of Baltimore, not inconsistent with this Article,
shall be, and they are hereby continued until changed by
due course of Law.
Sec. 9. The General Assembly may make such changes in
this Article, except in Section Seventh thereof, as it may
deem best; and this Article shall not be so construed, or
taken, as to make the political Corporation of Baltimore in-
dependent of, or free from the control, which the General
Assembly of Maryland has over all such Corporations in this
Section 1. The Governor, the Comptroller of the Treasury,
and the Treasurer, shall constitute the Board of Public
Works in this State. They shall keep a journal of their pro-
ceedings, and shall hold regular sessions in the City of Anna-
polis, on the first Wednesday in January, April, July and
October, in each year, and oftener if necessary; at which
sessions they shall hear and determine such matters as affect
the Public Works of the State, and as the General Assembly
may confer upon them the power to decide.
Sec. 2. They shall exercise a diligent and faithful super-
vision of all Public Works, in which the State may be inter-
ested, as Stockholder or Creditor, and shall represent, and
vote the stock of the State of Maryland, in all meetings of the
Stockholders of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal; and shall
appoint the Directors in every Railroad and Canal Company
in which the State has the legal power to appoint Directors,
which said Directors shall represent the State in all meetings
of the Stockholders of the respective Companies for which
they are appointed, or elected; and the President and Direc-
tors of the said Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company shall
so regulate the tolls of said Company, from time to time, as
to produce the largest amount of revenue, and to avoid the
injurious effects to said Company of rival competitors by other
Internal Improvement Companies. They shall require the
Directors of all said Public Works to guard the public inter-
est, and prevent the establishment of tolls which shall dis-
criminate against the interest of the citizens or products of
this State, and from time to timer and as often as there shall
be any change in the rates of toll on any of the said Works
to furnish the said Board of Public Works a schedule of such