cond year thereafter; and the qualification for electors of
the members of the City Council shall be the same as those
prescribed for the electors of Mayor.
Sec. 4. The regular sessions of the City Council of Balti-
more, (which shall be annual,) shall commence on the third
Monday of January of each year, and shall not continue more
than ninety days, exclusive of Sundays; but the Mayor may
convene the City Council in extra session whenever, and as
often as it may appear to him that the public good may re-
quire; but no called, or extra session shall last longer than
twenty days, exclusive of Sundays.
Sec. 5. No person, elected and qualified as Mayor, or as a
member of the City Council, shall, during the term for which
he was elected, hold any other office of profit or trust, creat-
ed, or to be created, by the Mayor and City Council of Balti-
more, or by any Law relating to the Corporation of Balti-
more, or hold any employment, or position, the compensa-
tion of which shall be paid, directly or indirectly, out of the
City Treasury; nor shall any such person be interested, di-
rectly or indirectly, in any contract to which the City is a
party; nor shall it be lawful for any person, holding any of-
fice under the City, to be interested, while holding such of-
fice, in any contract, to which the City is a party.
Sec. 6. The Mayor shall, on conviction in & Court of Law,
of wilful neglect of duty, or misbehavior in office, be re-
moved from office by the Governor of the State; and a suc-
cessor shall thereafter be elected as in a case of vacancy.
Sec. 7. From and after the adoption of this Constitution,
no debt, (except as hereinafter excepted,) shall be createdby
the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore; nor shall the credit
of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore be given, or loaned
to, or in aid of any individual, association, or corporation; nor
shall the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore have the
power to involve the City of Baltimore in the construction of
Works of Internal Improvement, nor in granting any aid
thereto, which shall involve the faith and credit of the City,
nor make any appropriation therefor, unless such debt or
credit be authorized by an Act of the General Assembly of
Maryland, and by an Ordinance of the Mayor and City Coun-
cil of Baltimore, submitted to the legal voters of the City of
Baltimore, at such time and place as may be fixed by said
Ordinance, and approved by a majority of the votes cast at
such time and place; but the Mayor and City Council may,
temporarily, borrow any amount of money to meet any defi-
ciency in the City Treasury, or to provide for any emergency
arising from the necessity of maintaining the Police, or pre-
serving the safety and sanitary condition of the City. and
may make due and proper arrangements and agreements for