Moved the previous question ;
The question then being,
"Shall the previous question be now put ?"
It was sustained.
The question then recurring upon the adoption of the
amendment submitted by Mr. Keating ;
It was rejected.
Mr. C. S, Parran submitted the following amendment:
Sec. 43, line 9. After the word "death" insert the word
Which was adopted.
The Section as amended was then read.
On motion of Mr. Carter,
The Convention resumed the consideration of Part IV,
Courts of Baltimore city.
Mr. Carter submitted the following as a substitute for Part
Sec. 27. There shall be in the 8th Judicial Circuit, six
Courts, to be styled the Supreme Bench of Baltimore City,
the Superior Court of Baltimore City, the Court of Common
Pleas, the Baltimore City Court, the Circuit Court of Balti-
more City, and the Criminal Coiirt of Baltimore.
Sec. 28. The Superior Court of Baltimore City, the Court
of Common Pleas, and the Baltimore City Court shall each
have concurrent jurisdiction in all civil common law cases,
and concurrently all the jurisdiction which the Superior Court
of Baltimore City and the Court of Common Pleas now have,
except jurisdiction in Equity, and cases of Appeal from judg-
ments of Justices of the Peace in said city, whether civil or
criminal, or, arising under the ordinances of the Mayor or
City Council of Baltimore, of all of which appeal cases the
Baltimore City Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction.
Sec. 29. The Circuit Court of Baltimore City shall have
exclusive jurisdiction in Equity within the limits of said city,
and all such jurisdiction as the present Circuit Court of Bal-
timore City has, provided the said Court shall not have juris-
diction in application for the writ of habeas corpus in cases of
persons charged with criminal offences.
Sec. 30. The Criminal Court of Baltimore shall have and
exercise all the jurisdiction now held and exercised by the
Criminal Court of Baltimore, except in such appeal cases
as are herein assigned to the Baltimore City Court.