The Convention then proceeded to the consideration of
Section 41, Part VI, Justices of the Peace ;
Pending which,
Mr. Merrick submitted the following amendment:
Sec. 41, line 4, after the word "Baltimore," insert the
word " respectively ;"
Which was adopted.
The section, as amended,
Was then read.
Section 42 was then read.
Pending the reading of Section 43, Part VII,—Sheriffs,
Mr. Nicolai submitted the following amendment:
Section 43; line 2. Strike out the word "fourth," and in-
sert the word " second ;"
Pending the consideration of which,
On motion of Mr. Merrick,
At 10 o'clock and 50 minutes, A. M., the Convention
took a recess until 12 o'clock, M.
At 12 o'clock, Noon,
The Convention re-assembled in session, and resumed the
consideration of the Report of the Committee upon the Judi-
ciary Department,
The question recurring upon the amendment submitted by
Mr. Nicolai, to the 43d Section of said Report;
It was adopted.
Mr. Nicolai submitted the following amendment:
Sec. 43. Strike out the word "four," wherever it occurs
in said Section, and insert the word " two ;"
Which was adopted.
Mr. Keating submitted the following amendment:
Part VII, Sec. 43. Strike out all after the word " City,"
in line 10, and insert the following : "The Judges of the
Circuit Court for the County, and the Judge of the Superior
Court of Baltimore City, as the case may be, in which said
vacancy shall occur, shall appoint some suitable person to be
Sheriff for the remainder of the official term ;"
Pending the consideration of which,
Mr. Tarr, of Caroline,