Pending which,
The hour having arrived for taking up the special order of
the day,
Being Part IV of the Report of the Committee upon the
Judiciary Department,
The question recurring upon the 27th Section said Report;
Pending the consideration of which,
On motion of Mr. Wilkinson,
The further consideration of the special order of the day
was postponed until to-morrow, at 12 o'clock, M.
The Convention then resumed the consideration of the
38th Section of the Report.
The question recurring upon the amendment submitted by
Mr. Brent, to the substitute submitted by Mr. Merrick;
Pending which,
On motion of Mr. Stoddert,
The further consideration of the 38th Section, with pend-
ing amendments,
Was postponed, and made the order of the day for to-mor-
row, Tuesday, at 1 o'clock, P. M.
On motion of Mr. Giddings,
The vote by which the further consideration of Part IV
was postponed until to-morrow,
Was reconsidered,, and the Convention resumed the con-
sideration of Section 27, Part IV ;
Pending which,
Mr. Ritchie submitted the following amendment as a sub-
stitute for the whole section :
SEC. 27. There shall be in the Eighth Judicial Circuit, six
Courts, to be styled the Superior Court of Baltimore City,
the Court of Common Plpas, the Circuit Court of Baltimore
City, the Criminal Court of Baltimore, the City Court of
Baltimore, and the Supreme Bench of Baltimore City; each
Court, except the Supreme Bench of Baltimore City, shall
consist of one Judge, who shall be elected by the legal and