3d. sec. 5, line 4. After the word "evidence" insert the
words, "to the Judges of Election."
Respectfully submitted.
Acting Chairman.
Which was read., and,
On motion of Mr. Jones,
The Report, as amended, was then read a third time and
By yeas and nays as follows :
Messrs. Grill, Parker,
Carmichael, Pr't. Groome, Parran, Chas. S,
Alvey, Hardcastle, Parran, John.
Archer, Hayden, Perry,
Barry, Henderson, Peters,
Bell, Hoblitzell, Pole,
Brewer, of B. city, Hodson, Rennolds,
Brewer, of Mont. Howison, Ritchie,
Brown, Hubbard. Spates,
Buchanan, Jamison, Starr,
Carter, Jones, Stoddert,
Cover, Keating, Syester,
Cunningham, Kennedy, Tarr, of Caroline.
Dobbin, Longwell, Tarr, of Worc'r.
Emack, Mackubin, Thomas,
Farnandis, Marbury, Toadvine,
Ferry, Maulsby, Vansant,
Franklin, McKaig, Watkins, of Car
Galt, McMaster, Watkins, of Mont.
Garey, Merrick, Wethered,
George, Morris, Whitman,
Giddings, Murray, Wilkinson—65.
The Convention then proceeded to the consideration of the
unfinished business of Saturday,
Being the Report of the Committee upon the Judiciary
The question recurring upon the amendment submitted by
Mr. Brent to the substitute subrnitted by Mr. Merrick for
the 38th Section, said Report;