Messrs. Garey, McPherson,
Carmichael, P't. George, Merrick,
Alvey, Giddings, Motter,
Archer, Gill, Nelson,
Barnes, Henderson, Page,
Barry, Hoblitzell, Peters,
Brent, Horsey, of Fr'k. Pleasants,
Brewer, of B. City Howison, Rider,
Brooke, Jamison, Ritchie,
Brown, Jones, Rogers,
Buchanan, Keating, Roman,
Carter, Kennedy, Spates,
Denson, Kilbourn, Vansant,
Devries, Lee, Walsh,
Dobbin, Mackubin, Wethered,
Ferry, Maulsby, Whitman,
Finley, McKaig, Wickes—51.
So the motion to reconsider did not prevail,
Mr. Nicolai moved to strike out the whole section ;
Pending the consideration of which,
Mr. Carter moved the previous question,
The question then being,
" Shall the previous question be now put ?"
It was sustained.
The question then recurring upon the motion submitted
by Mr. Nicolai,
It was not sustained.
Section 24, as amended,
Was then read.
On motion of Mr. Rider,
The Convention then resumed the consideration of the un-
finished business of yesterday,
Being the Report of the Committee appointed to report
upon the formation of a new County out of parts of Somer-
set and Worcester counties ;
The question recurring upon the amendment submitted
by Mr. McKaig,
When, (by an unanimous consent,) Mr. McKaig withdrew
his substitute.