Bradley, Hollyday, Silver,
Brewer, of Mont. Hubbard, Starr,
Cosgrove, Massey, Stoddert,
Cover, McCormick, Tarr, of Car.
Cunningham, McMaster, Tarr, of Wor.
Devries, Mitchell, Toadvine,
Duvall, Morris, Wallace,
Emack, Murray, Watkins, of Car.
Evans, Nicolai, Watkins, of Mont.
Farnandis, Parker, —46.
So the amendment was adopted, and the blank was filled
with the words, "two thousand seven hundred and fifty."
Mr. Nicolai moved to reconsider the vote by which the
amendment submitted by Mr. Merrick, to fill the blank in
the first division of the Section with the words, "three thou-
sand seven hundred and fifty," was adopted.
Mr. Carter moved the previous question.
The question then being,
" Shall the previous question be now put?"
It was sustained.
The question then recurring upon the motion submitted
by Mr. Nicolai,
Mr. Carter demanded the yeas and nays ;
The demand being sustained,
The yeas and nays were called and appeared as follows :
Messrs. Hammond, Parran, John,
Austin, Hardcastle, Perry,
Bell, Hodson, Pole,
Bennett, Hollyday, Riggs,
Bradley, Hubbard, Ringgold,
Brewer, of Mont. Longwell, Silver,
Cosgrove, Massey, Starr,
Cover, McCormick, Stoddert,
Cunningham, McMaster, Tarr, of Caroline,
Dorsey, Mitchell, Tarr, of Worc'r.
Duvall, Morris, Toadvine,
Emack, Murray, Wallace,
Evans, Nicolai, Watkins, of Car.
Farnandis, Parker, Watkins, of M.
Goldsborough, D. Parran, Chas. S. —44.