Dobbin, Kennedy, Spates,
Dorsey, Kilbourn, Thomas,
Ferry, Lee, Vansant,
Finley, Mackubin, Walsh,
Ford, Maulsby, Wickes,
Garey, McKaig, Whitman—45.
Messrs. Groome, Page,
Carmichael, Pre't Hall, Parker,
Austin, Hammond, Parran, Chas. S.
Bell, Hardcastle, Parran, John,
Bennett, Hodson, Perry,
Bradley, Hollyday, Pole,
Brewer, of Mont. Hubbard, Eider,
Brooke, Jones, Riggs,
Buchanan, Longwell, Ringgold,
Cosgrove, Massey, Silver,
Cover, McCormick, Stoddert,
Cunningham, McMaster, Tarr, of Caroline,
Devries, Mitchell, Tarr, of Wor.
Duvall, Morris, Toadvine,
Emack, Murray, Wallace,
Evans, Nicolai, Watkins, of Car.
Farnandis, Starr, Watkins, M—51.
Goldsborough, D.
So the amendment submitted by Mr. Merrick was rejected.
The question then recurring upon the adoption of the
amendment submitted by Mr. Mitchell as a substitute, viz :
"And of each Associate Judge of the Circuit Court shall
be two thousand five hundred dollars, payable quarterly and
shall not be increased or diminished during his continuance
in office."
The question being upon its adoption,
Mr. Mitchell demanded the yeas and nays.
The demand being sustained,
The yeas and nays wore called and appeared as follows :
Messrs. Hardcastle, Parran, Chas. S.
Austin, Hayden, Parran, John
Bell, Hoblitzell, Perry,
Bennett, Hodson, Pole,
Brewer, of Mont, Hubbard, Rider,
Brooke, Jones, Riggs,