Messrs. George, McPherson,
Alvey, Giddings, Merrick,
Archer, Gill, Motter,
Barnes, Hayden, Nelson
Barry, Henderson, Page,
Brent, Horsey, of Fred. Perry,
Brooke, Howison, Peters,
Brown, Jamison, Pleasants,
Buchanan, Jones, Ritchie,
Carter, Keating, Rogers,
Denson, Kennedy, Tarr, of Car.
Devries, Kilbourn, Thomas,
Dobbin, Lee, Vansant,
Ferry, Mackubin, Walsh,
Finley, Maulsby, Wickes,
. Ford, McKaig, Whitman—48.
So the amendment submitted by Mr. Mitchell,
Was rejected.
The question then recurring upon concurring in the last
division of the Section,
"And of each Associate Judge of the Circuit Court shall
be three thousand five hundred dollars per annum, passable
quarterly, and shall not be diminished during his continu-
ance in office,"
The Convention refused to make the salary of each Asso-
ciate Judge three thousand five hundred dollars per annum.
The question then recurring upon filling the blank, and
the adoption of the amendment submitted by Mr. Merrick,
to fill the blank with the words "three thousand,"
On motion of Mr. Mitchell,
The yeas and nays were ordered.
The yeas and nays were called and appeared as follows:
Messrs. Giddings, McPherson,
Alvey, Gill, Merrick,
Archer, Hayden, Motter,
Barnes, Henderson, Nelson,
Barry, Hoblitzell, Peters,
Brent, Horsey, of Fred. Pleasants,
Brown, Howison, Ritchie,
Carter, Jamison, Rogers,
Denson., Keating, Roman,