Ordered, That a committee of five be appointed by the Chair
to inform the Governor that the Convention to frame a new
Constitution for the State of Maryland, has assembled in the
Hall of the House of Delegates, in accordance with the Act of
the General Assembly, and his Proclamation relating thereto,
and has temporarily organized by electing a Chairman and
Secretary, and that the Convention desires to have a list of
names of the Delegates who are shown by the returns made
to him, to have been duly elected members of the Conven-
tion; whereupon,
Messrs. Charles S. Parran, of Calvert, Isaac D. Jones, of
Somerset, Philip H. Roman, of Allegany, Bernard Carter, of
Baltimore city, and J. K. Longwell, of Carroll counties are
appointed the said committee.
The Committee retired, and on returning reported that
they had called on the Governor, as directed by the order of
the Convention, and that the Governor would communicate
the information desired forthwith.
On motion by Mr. Jones,
To adjourn until to-morrow at 12 o'clock,
It was determined in the negative.
The following message was received from the Governor, by
Mr. Leary, his Secretary:
ANNAPOLIS, May 8, 1861.
To the Convention:
GENTLEMEN: In accordance with the application of your
Honorable Body through the Committee appointed to confer
with me, I transmit herewith a list of the members elected
under the Act entitled "An Act to provide for taking the
sense of the people of this State on the call of a Convention
to form a new Constitution and Form of Government, and
for assembling the members thereof, " passed at the late Jan-
uary session of the General Assembly of Maryland: and I
also hand you the Proclamation of the Governor issued in
accordance with the provisions of the said Act.
The official returns from the several counties and the city
of Baltimore are on file in this office, subject to the use of
the Convention.
I have the honor to be, with great respect,
Your obedient servant,
Allegany County—Thomas Perry, Alfred Spates, William
Walsh, J. Philip Roman, Jacob Hoblitzell, Thomas J. Mc-