48 blank ballots; and it therefore appearing that more votes
have been cast in favor of the call of a Convention than
against the call of a Convention—
Now therefore, I, Thomas Swann, Governor of the State
of Maryland, in obedience to the requirements of the Act of
Assembly aforesaid, do by this my proclamation declare and
make known that the persons having the majority in the
several counties and the city of Baltimore, respectively, have
been duly elected delegates to said Convention, and that the
Convention authorized by said Act will be held in the city of
next, being the eighth day of said month, where the said
delegates will, on that day, assemble to enter upon the dis-
charge of the duties prescribed by the Act aforesaid.
Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the
[SEAL, ] State of Maryland, at the city of Annapolis, this
twentieth day of April, in the year of our Lord, 1867.
By the Governor:
JOHN M. CARTER, Secretary of State.
In conformity with the aforegoing Proclamation, and in
obedience to the requirements of the Act of Assembly, the
title of which is therein mentioned, the Convention assembled
at 12 o'clock, M., on Wednesday the 8th day of May, in the
year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, in the Hall
of the House of Delegates, in the city of Annapolis.
All the delegates elect appearing to be present, except
Messrs. Thomas I. Hall, of Anne Arundel county, Anthony
Kennedy, of Baltimore county, John W. Bennett, of Carroll
county, Vivian Brent and John T. Stoddert, of Charles
county, James Wallace, of Dorchester county, Henry D.
Farnandis, of Harford county, William M. Merrick, of How-
ard county, and John B. Brooke, of Prince George's county.
On motion, by Mr. Isaac D. Jones,
Mr. John F. Dent was appointed temporary President,
and Mr. James R. Howison temporary Secretary.
On motion, by Mr. Jones, it was
Ordered, That the proceedings of the Convention be opened
by prayer, and that the Rev. Mr. Leach, who is now present,
be requested to officiate; whereupon,
The Rev. Mr. Leach offered a prayer.
Mr. Charles S. Parran, submitted the following order:
Which was agreed to,