Pending the consideration of which,
The Convention of Teachers who had been invited under
order of the Convention, entered the Hall and were provided
with seats.
On motion of Mr. Brewer, of Baltimore City,
A call of the House was ordered.
Present at the call of the roll the following members—
(Mr. Howison in the Chair.)
Messrs. Austin, Barnes, Barry, Bateman, Bell, Bradley,
Brent, Brewer, Balt, city, Brown, Buchanan, Carter, Cham-
bers, Cover, Cunningham, Denson, Dent, Devries, Dobbin,
Dorsey, Duvall, Emack, Evans, Farnandis, Ferry, Finley,
Galt, George, Gill, Goldsborough, of Talbot, Hall, Ham-
mond, Hodson, Hollyday, Horsey, of Frederick, Janvier,
Keating, Mackubin, Manro, Massey, Maulsby, McCormick,
McMaster, Merrick, Mitchell, Morris, Motter, Murray, Nel-
son, Nicolai, Parker, Parran John, Pleasants, Rennolds,
Riggs, Ritchie, Tarr, of Caroline, Tarr, of Worcester,
Thomas, Toadvine, Vansant, Watkins, of Caroline, Wat-
kins, of Montgomery, Wickes, Whitman—85.
Upon the call of the roll.
On motion Mr. Brewer, of Baltimore city,
All further proceedings under the call were dispensed
Mr Mackubin moved that the further consideration of the
section, together with pending amendments, be informally
Decided in the negative.
The question then recurring upon the amendment submitted
by Mr. Mackubin,
It was rejected.
The section was then read.
The Convention then took up for consideration the Sup-
plementary Report of the Committee upon the Legislative
Department, proposing additional sections to the original
Report of the Committee.
The question recurring upon the consideration of the first
section of said Supplementary Report,
Pending which,
On motion of Mr. Buchanan,
A call of the House was ordered.