Upon the call of the roll the following members responded
to their names : (Mr. Howison in the Chair.)
Messrs. Archer, Austin, Barnes, Barry, Bateman, Bell,
Bennett, Brent, Brewer, of Bal timore City, Brewer, of Mont-
gomery, Brown, Buchanan, Carter, Chambers, Cosgrove,
Cover, Cunningham, Denson, Dent, Devries, Dobbin, Dor-
sey, Duvall, Emack, Evans, Farnandis, Ferry, Finley,
Flaherty, Ford, Galt, Garey, George, Gill, Goldsborough,
of Talbot, Hammond, Hoblitzell, Hollyday, Horsey, of
Frederick, Horsey, of Somerset, Howard, Jamison, Jan-
vier, Keating, Longwell, Mackubin, Manro, Massey, Mauls-
by, McCormick, McKaig, McMaster, Merrick, Mitchell, Mor-
ris, Motter, Murray, Nelson, Nicolai, Parker, John Par-
ran, Pleasants, Rennolds, Riggs, Ritchie, Spates, Starr,
Tarr, of Caroline, Tarr, of Worcester, Thomas, Toadvine,
Vansant, Walsh, Watkins, of Caroline, Watkins, of Mont-
gomery, Wethered, Wickes, Whitman—79.
On motion of Mr. Carter,
All further proceedings under the call were dispensed
The question then recurring upon the motion submitted
by Mr. Mackubin, that the further consideration of the 44th
Section be informally postponed ;
It was not sustained.
The question then recurring upon the amendment submit-
ted by Mr. Merrick,
It was rejected.
Mr. Mackubin submitted the following amendment:
Sec. 44. Strike out all after the word "void," in the 6th
line, to the word "all" in. the 19th line, and add the fol-
lowing as
Sec. 45. As soon as possible after the adoption of this Con-
stitution, it shall be the duty of the Governor to appoint
three persons learned in the law, to be called "Revisors of
the Code of Public General Laws," and to hold their office
for four years, and unless their successors shall be appointed,
whose duty it shall be to propose and report in bill form to
each regular session of the General Assembly such altera-
tions and amendments to the Code of Public General Laws
as may tend to simplify and improve the general laws and
the administration of justice in the State; and it shall be the
duty of the General Assembly to consider and act upon said
report in preference to any other business. The Legislature
may allow the said Revisors a compensation, not exceeding
five hundred dollars each, at each regular session of the