Which was not sustained.
The question then being upon the adoption of the amend-
ment submitted by Mr. Buchanan,
On motion of Mr. Barry,
The yeas and nays were ordered.
The yeas and nays were called, and appeared as follows :
Messrs, Dorsey, Nelson,
Archer, Duvall, Perry,
Barry, Emack, Spates,
Bell, Evans, Starr,
Brent, Hoblitzell, Toadvine,
Buchanan, Hodson, Walsh,
Cunningham, Merrick, Wethered,
Devries, Morris, Wickes—23.
Messrs. Galt, Motter,
Carmichael, Pr't. George, Murray,
Barnes, Gill, Parker,
Bradley, Hall Parran, John,
Brewer, Bal. city. Henderson, Peters,
Brewer, of Mot'y, Horsey, of Som. Pleasants,
Brown, Howard, Rennolds,
Carter, Kilbourn, Riggs,
Chambers, Longwell, Ritchie,
Cosgrove, Mackubin, Tarr, of Worc'r,
Denson, Massey, Thomas,
Dobbin, Maulsby, Vansant,
Farnandis, McKaig, Watkins, of Mot'y
Ferry, McMaster, Wilkinson,
Flaherty, Merryman, Whitman—43.
So the amendment submitted by Mr. Buchanan, was re-
The section, as amended, was then read.
Pending the consideration of the 48th section,
Mr. Mackubin moved to strike out the whole section.
Decided in the negative.
The section was then read.
Mr. Thomas submitted the following as an additional sec-
tion :
Sec. 49. The General Assembly shall appropriate no
money out of the Treasury for payment of any private claim