Pending the consideration of which,
Mr. Barnes (by unanimous consent,) submitted the follow-
ing order:
Ordered, That a committee of five be appointed by the
President to visit the Convention of Teachers now in session
in this city, and tender to them our high appreciation of the
cause in which they are engaged, and extend to them a cor-
dial invitation to visit, at their convenience, the sittings of
this Convention;
Which was adopted.
Messrs. Barnes, Wethered, Garey, Nelson, and Tarr, of
Caroline, were appointed a Committee under the above order.
The Convention then resumed the consideration of the Re-
port of the Committee upon the Legislative Department;
The question recurring upon the amendment to the 46th
Section submitted by Mr. Wickes ;
It was rejected.
The question then recurring upon the amendment submit-
ted to by Mr. Merrick,
It was rejected.
Mr. Pleasants submitted the following amendment:
Sec. 46. Strike out in the third and tenth lines the word
"or," and substitute the word "and;" and in the fourth and
eleventh lines strike out the words, "or both in the discre-
tion of the court,"
Which was rejected.
The section was then read.
Pending the consideration of the 47th section,
Mr. Buchanan submitted the following amendment:
Strike out the whole section.
Mr. Mackubin submitted the following amendment:
Sec. 47, line 4, strike out the words "household property
Which was adopted.
The question then recurring upon the amendment sub-
mitted by Mr. Buchanan,
Mr. Wethered moved that the Convention do now adjourn.
Decided in the negative,
Mr. Barry moved a sail of the House,