The yeas and nays were called, and appeared as follows:
Messrs. Galt, McCormick,
Carmichael, P't. George, McMaster,
Alvey, Gill, Merrick,
Archer, Groome, Pleasants,
Bateman, Hall, Pole,
Bell, Hardcastle, Riggs,
Brewer, Monrg'y, Hayden, Ringgold,
Brown, Horsey, of Fred. Rogers,
Carter, Howison, Silver,
Cunningham, Johnson, Starr,
Dobbin, Kennedy, Vansant,
Emack, Longwell, Wallace,
Evans, Mackubin, Watkins, Car.
Farnandis, Massey, Wickes—43.
Franklin, Maulsby,
Messrs. Goldsborough, T. Page,
Barnes, Henderson, Parker,
Brent, Hoblitzell, C. S. Parran,
Brewer, B. City, Hodson, John Parran,
Brooke, Howard, Perry,
Buchanan, Ireland, Peters,
Chambers, Jamison, Rennolds,
Dent, Jones, Rider,
Devries, Keating, Ritchie,
Dorsey, ' Lee, Roman,
Duvall, Manro, Spates,
Ferry, Marbury, Stoddert,
Finley, McKaig, Tarr, Car.
Flaherty, McPherson, Tarr, Worc'r,
Ford, Merryman, Toadvine,
Franck, Mitchell, Walsh,
Garey, Morris, Watkins, Mont.
Giddings, Murray, Wethered,
Goldsborough, D. Nelson, Wilkinson—56.
So the amendment submitted by Mr. Gill,
Was rejected.
The question then recurring upon the adoption of the or-
der submitted by Mr. Tarr, of Worcester ;
Mr. Maulsby demanded the yeas and nays,
The demand being sustained ;
The yeas and nays were called and appeared as follows :