The Order was farther amended by striking out the words,
"Tuesday, the ninth," and inserting the words, "Wednes-
day, the tenth."
On motion of Mr. Maulsby,
A call of the House was ordered.
Upon a call of the roll the following members responded
to their names:
Messrs. Carmichael, (President,) Alvey, Archer, Barnes,
Bateman, Bell, Brewer, of Baltimore city, Brewer, of Mont-
gomery, Brooke, Brown, Buchanan, Carter, Chambers, Cun-
ningham, Dent, Devries, Dobbin, Dorsey, Duvall, Emack,
Evans, Farnandis, Ferry, Finley, Flaherty, Ford, Franck,
Franklin, Galt, Garey, George, Giddings, Gill Goldsbor-
ough, of Dorchester, Goldsborough, of Talbot, Hall, Hard-
castle, Hayden, Henderson, Hoblitzell, Hodson, Horsey, of
Frederick, Howard, Howison, Ireland, Jamison, Johnson,
Jones, Keating, Kennedy, Lee, Longwell, Mackubin, Manro,
Marbury, Massey, Maulsby, McCormick, McKaig, McMas-
ter, McPherson, Merrick, Merryman, Mitchell, Morris, Mur-
ray, Nelson, Page, Parker, Charles S. Parran, John Parran,
Perry, Peters, Pleasants, Pole, Rennolds, Rider, Riggs,
Ringgold, Ritchie, Rogers, Roman, Silver, Spates, Stoddert,
Tarr, of Caroline, Tarr, of Worcester, Toadvine, Vansant,
Wallace, Walsh, Watkins, of Caroline, Watkins, of Mont-
gomery, Wethered, Wickes, Wilkinson—96.
Upon the call of the roll,
Mr. Maulsby moved that the Doorkeepers be sent to notify
the absent members;
Decided in the negative.
On motion of Mr. Wethered,
All further proceedings under the call were dispensed
The question then recurring upon the order submitted by
Mr. Tarr, of Worcester,
Mr. Gill submitted the following amendment:
That during the recess no compensation, be allowed to the
members or officers of the Convention ;
Pending the consideration of which,
The question recurring upon its adoption,
Mr. Maulsby demanded the yeas and nays.
The demand being sustained,