The question then recurring upon the amendment submit-
ted by Mr. Jones;
The question being upon its adoption ;
Mr. Jones demanded the yeas and nays ;
The demand being sustained ;
The yeas and nays were called and appeared as follows :
Messrs. Groome, Peters,
Barnes, Henderson, Rider,
Bateman, Jones, Ritchie,
Chambers, Keating, Tarr, of Caroline,
Denson, Lee, Tarr, of Worc'tr,
Devries, Massey, Vansant,
Ferry, McCormick, Watkins, of Car.,
Finley, McMaster, Wethered,
Franklin, Merryman, Wilkinson,
George, Parker, Whitman—29.
Messrs. Goldsborough, T, Morris,
Carmichael, P't, Hall, Motter,
Barry, Hardcastle, Murry,
Bell, Hayden, Nelson,
Brewer, of Mont., Hoblitzell, Page,
Brown, Horsey, of Fred'k Charles S. Parran.
Carter, Horsey, of Som't, John Parran,
Cunningham, Howison, Perry,
Dent, Ireland, Pleasants,
Dobbin, Jamison, Pole,
Dorsey, Johnson, Rennolds,
Duvall, Kennedy, Riggs,
Emack, Mackubin, Ringgold,
Evans, Manro, Silver,
Farnandis, Marbury, Stoddert,
Ford, Maulsby, Thomas,
Franck, McKaig, Wallce
Galt McPherson, Walsh,
Gill Merrick, Watkins, of M.,
Goldsborough, D, Mitchell, Wickes—59.
So the amendment submitted by Mr. Jones,
Was rejected.
The 30th section as amended was then read.
On motion of Mr. Dent,
The Convention then resumed the consideration of the