Government of this State. When two or more amendments
shall be submitted, in manner aforesaid, to the voters of this
State at the same election, they shall be so submitted as that
each amendment shall be voted on seperately.
Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the General Assembly to
provide by law for taking the sense of the people of this
State, whether they desire or not that there shall be a Con-
vention to revise, alter or amend the Constitution at the gen-
eral election to be held in, or next after, the year eighteen
hundred and eighty-seven, and every twenty years thereafter,
and if a majority of voters at such election or elections shall
vote for a Convention, the General Assembly at its next ses-
sion, shall provide by law for the election of Delegates to the
same, who shall be equal to the number of members of both
Houses of the General Assembly, and for the assembling of
such Convention. But any Constitution, or change or
amendment of the existing Constitution, which maybe adopt-
ed by such Convention, shall be submitted to the voters of
this State at a general election, and shall have no effect un-
less the same shall have been adopted by a majority of the
voters voting thereon.
Which was read a first time.
The Convention then took up for consideration the un-
finished business of yesterday, being the report of the Com-
mittee upon the Legislative Department, said report being,
upon its second reading ;
The question recurring upon the motion submitted by Mr.
Maulsby, for the previous question, pending the considera-
tion of the 30th section on yesterday ;
When, (by unanimous consent) Mr. Maulsby withdrew the
motion submitted by him.
On motion of Mr. Jones, (by unanimous consent,)
The amendment to said 30th section, submitted by him on
yesterday, was amended by striking out the words "in Som-
erset county.''
The question then recurring upon the amendment submit-
ted by Mr. Johnson ;
Mr. Gill demanded the previous question,
Which was not sustained.
The question then being upon the adoption of the amend-
ment submitted by Mr. Johnson ;
Mr. Johnson, (by unanimous consent,) withdrew the
amendment submitted by him ;