any other place and shall also observe the Conditions hereunder
mentioned shall have granted unto him his heirs and assigns
respectively under the great seal of the Province for and in
respect of himself and every such person as aforesaid an
hundred acres of good land lying together in one place
within the said Province to be holden of some Mannor there of
his said Lordships and his heirs in socage tenure rendring and
paying yearly for every hundred acres to his said Lordship
and his heirs the rent of two shillings sterling in silver
yearly at the two most usual feasts of the year (viz.) at the
Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Michael
the Archangell by even and equal portions or the full value
thereof in such commodities as his said Lordship and his
heirs or his or their officer or officers appointed by him or
them from time to time to collect or receive the same shall
accept in discharge thereof.
4. It is not intended that any adventuror or planter shall
have any lands granted to him or them for any person for or
in respect of whom any land in the said Province at the
time of such grant hath been formerly granted by his said
5. Every adventuror or planter of or above the age of
sixteen years to whom any land shall be granted by virtue of
these Conditions and also every other person and persons of
or above the age of sixteen years for or in respect of whom
any lands shall be granted by virtue of the said Conditions
before any such grant be passed unto any such adventuror or
planter and before it shall enure to his benefit shall take
within the said province the Oath of Fidelity to his said
Lordship and his heirs Lords and Proprietarys of the said
Province hereunder specified
6. Every adventuror or planter that shall have any
lands by virtue of these Conditions shall pay such fees to his
Lordship's officers within the said Province for their
respective grant of the said lands as are or have been usually paid
to the like officers in Virginia for the like grants in that
Colony or as have been paid for the like in Maryland or as is
or shall be appointed by act of a General Assembly there so
as they be not less then the said fees usually paid in Virginia
or which have been paid for the like in Maryland.
7. Every adventuror or planter shall have all such lands
as shall become due to him by virtue of these Conditions
assigned to him in such parts or places of the said Province as
his Lordship or his heirs or his or their Lieutenant or other
chief Governor there together with his Lordship's Secretary
and Surveyor General there for the time being shall from
time to time appoint for the general good of his Lordship's
Source: John Kilty. Land Holder's Assistant and Land Office Guide. Baltimore: G. Dobbin & Murphy, 1808. MSA L 25529.