therefore dismissed, but without costs; no plats having been
returned by the defendant.
a ) Land-office, August 8th 1806.
On the hearing of the caveat, a warrant of resurvey was
produced by the caveator, which issued on the 9th of
November 1805, which was after the survey on the certificate
caveated; and it is alledged that, by allowing the variation,
the vacancy taken by Cover's special warrant will be included
in the tract of land called Neighbourly Kindness; but this is
not sufficient to prevent a patent issuing, after which the effect
of that variation may be determined at law ¾The certificate
and plat of the tract called Neighbourly Kindness, resurveyed
in 1770, is produced; but there is nothing to shew that the 33
acres of vacancy returned on Cover's special warrant is
included in that or any elder survey. The caveator alledges
that he had 5 acres due on a common warrant; but that
cannot affect the present case.
The caveat is therefore dismissed with costs.
vs. ) Caveat in the Land-office,
J. RUTLEDGE. ) September 18, 1806.
This case was set down to be heard on the 16th instant,
and, in presence of the parties, was continued to the 17th,
when it was argued by the counsel for the caveator and the
The ground of the caveat is that the land surveyed for the
defendant includes or runs through a tract of land called
Bishop's contrivance, deeded to the caveator, or that a part of
the defendant's pretensions are included in that tract. ¾For
the caveator it is also contended, in argument, that the
interference with a tract of land before granted is sufficient to
prevent the issuing of a patent, without shewing any interest
in the caveator in such tract.
In support of the location, as made, on the plat for
illustration, of Bishop's contrivance, the caveator has produced a
certificate, purporting to be a copy from the books of James
Calder, respecting a survey of land in the reserve of
Baltimore county in 1771, by the name of Bishop's contrivance,
and several depositions, some of which are referred to on the
plat for illustration; ¾and has also produced a deed, executed
by the chancellor, in June 1804, to the caveator, for a tract of
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