therefore hereby authorized and empowercd to take to your
assistance such person or persons as you shall think fitt to make
choice of, capable for such purpose, in your absence, or in
case of your indisposition, to survey or resurvey any lands
within the said county, by vertue of any such warrants as
aforesain, hereby ratifying and confirming whatever such person
or persons to be by you deputed by vertue hereof, in as full
and ample manner as if done by yourselfe, or if I were
then and there personally present to doe and performe the
same, Provided that all certificates of such survey or
resurvey as aforesaid, made by such your deputy or deputyes
assistant as aforesaid be first viewed, approved of and signed
by the said Robert Jones, as good and authentick before they
be returned to be recorded in the office as is usuall; and for
soe doing this shall be your warrant, Given under my hand
and seale, this 18th day of May, anno domini 1683.
" To Robert Jones, gent. my
deputy surveyor for Calvert
LIBER W. C. No. 4, fol. 344.
" Commission 1717, to the Surveyor General of the Western
" To all persons to whom these presents shall come, greeting:
" Whereas the right honourable Charles, absolute lord
and proprietary of the provinces of Maryland and Avalon,
lord baron of Baltimore, &c. and the right honourable
Francis lord Guilford, his lordship's noble guardian, have by their
instructions to me, John Hart, Esq. his lordship's lieutenant
governor within this province, bearing date at the city of
London, the twentieth day of February in the year of our
Lord, one thousand seven hundred and sixteen, directed me
to authorise and impower, direct and appoint Thomas
Bordley, Esq, surveyor generall of the Western Shore of this
province: Know ye therefore, that in pursuance of the said
instructions, and by virtue of the power and authority by
them to me granted, I have authorised, impowered,
directed and appointed, and do by these presents, authorise,
impower, direct and appoint the said Thomas Bordley, to be his
lordship's surveyor generall of all his lordship's lands,
mannors, chases, parkes, forrests, woods and underwoods,
lying on the western side of the bay of Chesapeake, within the