deputy surveyor in the countyes of Baltimore and Cecill;
and further being very well assured of your skill, ability,
honesty and integrity, have deputed, constituted and appointed,
and by these presents doe depute, constitute and appoint you
the said Charles James to be my deputy, and in
resurveying and laying out lands that are allready laid out, and
where the partie concerned may suppose there is an error
in the former survey, in any part of the countyes aforesaid,
in as full and ample power as I myself may, might or could
do if I were personally present, to doe and perform the same;
and doe hereby further give you the said Charles James my
full power, strength and authority to run out men's lines, to
survey lands according to warrant or patent, and to use and
exercise the office of a deputy surveyor in full and ample
manner in the countyes of Baltimore and Cecill aforesaid, and
also to resurvey land in any part of the countyes aforesaid,
without lett, hindrance, disturbance or molestation of any
person whatsoever, To have and to hold the said office of
deputy surveyor in Baltimore and Cecill aforesaid and
resurvey in any part of the countyes as aforesaid, during pleasure
provided allways that you the said Charles James shall
receive, obey and comply with such orders and instructions as
from time to time I the said Baker Brooke, shall under my
hand, order appoint and direct; and moreover, it is and be
it hereby further provided, that you the said Charles James
shall be contented with the one half of the fees or profits
arising or becoming due by reason or means of the said
imployment hereby granted unto you, and shall be accomptable to
me the said Baker Brooke for the other halfe, once every
year at least. Given under my hand and seal, this
twenty-eighth day of July, in the three and fortieth year of the
dominion of the right honourable Cecililus, &c. in and over this
province of Maryland, annoq. domini, one thousand six
hundred seventy and four."
LIBER No. 15, fol. 203.
" Licence to a Surveyor to act by Deputy.
" Whereas I have by commission under my hand and seale
consituted, ordained and appointed you Robert Jones,
gentleman, to be my deputy surveyor for Calvert county, and
considering that by reason of your own indisposition often
times happening, and other public concerns sometimes
occurring, requiring your attendance in other parts of the
province, soe that you cannot be present att all times to
execute such warrants as may be granted for the survey or
resurvey, of lands within the said county, where you are
deputed within the time limitted in such warrants, you are
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