as by suing out grants, and paying rents, agreeably to those
conditions, should have their lands entered upon and seized
for his lordship's use. Besides these temporary laws there
was one passed in the year 1650, before the government was
seized by Cromwell, entitled " an act concerning deserted
plantations," which was afterwards re-enacted, and was in
1676 confirmed among the (a) perpetual laws. During the
long suspention of the proprietary government various bills
were proposed, connected with the business of the land
office, and some of them appear to have been passed by the
two houses of assembly, but not to have received the royal
assent. Two were however passed into laws, the one in
1692, entitled " an act for securing the rights of several
persons," and the other in 1707, " requiring the agents of
" the lord Baltimore to certify into the secretary's office the
" instructions and conditions of plantation, with the fees by
" them demanded, and obliging his lordship's deputy
" surveyors to qualify themselves according to law." The
intention of the first was to give to certificates in the
predicament therein described, all the force and validity of patents;
and it was attended with the singular circumstance of not
being preserved entire on record, the last section, which
contained provisions more harsh than the rest having been left
out when the readiness of the proprietary's officers to remove
all causes of complaint, had shewn it to be unnecessary. The
other is an act in the same spirit of jealousy, and of hostility
towards lord Baltimore, which dictated the former one, and
operated I presume only while that spirit remained, or until
the rights of the proprietary's officers were settled by the
orders of the crown. As these two acts are printed at large
in Bacon's edition of the laws, it would perhaps be improper
to insert them here. Other laws were passed at this and later
periods, relating chiefly to the proprietary's revenue affairs,
which will be noticed in the succeeding chapter. In regard
to acts concerning boundaries, and the marking and
bounding of lands under commissions from courts of law, besides
that they are to be found in the editions of the laws now in
use, they do not enter into the design of the present
compilation, which is confined to the history and operations of the
land office, and the modes of obtaining original titles to land.
I shall now insert the three acts first abovementioned, and
having in a former place hinted, in speaking of the management
(a) I shall not stop to give a full account of the design and effect of this
distinction ¾The questions and proceedings respecting the validity and
duration of the laws of Maryland are numerous and confused. I can only
observe that the second proprietary at his accession caused a complete
revision to be made of the acts of assembly, and that the laws of the
province were from that time considered in two classes, temporary, and
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