county; and late the property of a certain George
Mock of said county, a German, who died seized thereof
before he was naturalized, I desire you will not suffer any
patent, to issue for the said land to the said Barrance or any
other person until further orders; and you are not without
particular instructions from the lord proprietary to grant
escheat warrants for any other land which hath already or may
hereafter become escheat to his lordship by reason of the
death of any Germans who have died or may die before
naturalization, unless such warrants shall be applied for by the
heir at law of the persons dying seized.
The 21st of April, 1767.
" To the judges of the land office."
LIBER W. S. No. 10, fol. 109.
THE reader will long since, have perceived that the
modes of acquiring original titles to land under the
proprietary government were not regulated by law, but almost
wholly by ordinances and instructions proceeding from the sole
authority of the proprietary: consequently there is not much
to notice under this head, the land laws, which originally
formed no part of lord Baltimore's system, but took their rise
while the government of the province was out of his hands,
being reserved for an appendix or supplement to this
compilation. A few acts of short duration, relative to land affairs, were
passed in the early times of the province: among these
were " an act touching taking up of land," and an act or
declaration " concerning rights of land." The first was passed
in 1642, re-enacted at the next session, and expired in 1645.
The other is among a number of " acts and orders" of an
assembly held by commission from Cromwell on the 20th of
October 1654, and was occasioned by the proclamation of
governor Stone of the 7th of February 1653, declaring that
those who did not comply with the conditions of plantation,
as well by taking the oath of fidelity to the lord proprietary
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